Albrechts 2009

Monday, July 28, 2008

Okay so I am late with the month of July. I think this month has been a month for me. I first had my family reunion with all the Jensen family up to great old Grandpa Shinning Mountain. What a fun place to go and relax. It seems like time stands still when you are there. My kids had fun in the stream on the zip line and tire swing and getting reacquainted with their cousins. Love that place and the family. Then I finally broke out "my" scroll saw that Mike had bought me oh let say about 4 years ago for my birthday. So, I decided to cut me out a cute Statue of Liberty girl. (now the wind has knocked her over and she needs fixing ah, next year) Mike was so happy to see me using it or was he happy to have me get it out of the front room. Where it stayed under the table to remind me to use. Then our oven went out. Mike and I went to RcWilley and after much thought he purchased himself a double oven which he is so proud of and then of course OOPS. I was cleaning off the top of the cabinets and bang a vase fell on top of the stove and oh no! I knew and so did Conner who witnessed it that I was going to be handed a pen to sign for the divorce papers. I patched up the stove it looks real nice.
Mike and I got a scooter to help save on gas expense and to buzz Conner to and from the high school for Football practice and all around town to his friends house. Well we had the cute little scooter for 1 whole week I went to go pick up Conner put the little kick stand down, instead of the industrial stand it should go on. As soon as my foot touched the kick stand I knew that I should use the other one but like usual I brushed it off. When Conner and I came out from Bryan, his friends house we saw his uncle picking up the cute little scooter. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! If I would only listen to that still small voice. I was sick and once again Conner was there to remind me "dad is going to be madddddddd". I am starting to think that, that little saying "you can't have anything nice when you have kids". Well lets just add my name in there some where. So I have decided that August is going to be a fresh start for me and hopefully a happy month for Mike. That could be his birthday gift. A good old freebie gift. gotta love those.

1 comment:

The Luke Family said...


I found you! Cute blog!! It was great to see you all today.
My blog is the luke family 1998.

This will be a fun way to keep in touch!


Getting Older

Getting Older
Happy Birthday to Me!

Little Miss Katie

Little Miss Katie
Happy Birthday Katie! 5 yrs. old

Hailey and Maycie excited for the night


zip line beauties @ reunion

conner waterfighting

conner waterfighting
Rambo Conner waterfighting

strawberry childrens parade

strawberry childrens parade
partricipating in childrens parade so we can get our free rodeo ticket and Taco Amigo coupon. Its all worth the up hill, hot walk parade.

All the girls going for a ride around Pleasant Grove Park

All the girls going for a ride around Pleasant Grove Park
Hailey could barely fit her long legs in the car. Fun times to remember about your sisters


Hailey the beauty queen softball player

Here it comes

Got it