Albrechts 2009

Sunday, August 31, 2008

School Days

Football season. This means the weather is changing and soon the leaves on "G" Mountain will be dotted with red, yellow and orange leaves. The kids have started school with Maycie in 6th grade big kid at the elementary and Hailey 8th grade. Loving every minute of jr.high and Conner has started Pleasant Grove High. He is in school heaven. He loves going to school and being among the cool kids at school and spying those cutie pattotie's. He rides the bus thankgoodness. His first story about the bus was it broke down the first day of school and I was called to come pick him up. Then a few days later it was full when he got on and looked at everyone and said real coolly "move over people your looking at a football player" the rows of kids slid over just to make room for the studly football kid. Yeah right, I can't believe he said that. He must be feeling real good about himself in highschool I think I would have shouted out "shut up and sit down" Funny! Katie starts her second year of preschool Yahoo! Wednesday is her big day or should I say Moms big day. Just me and little Sadie. She is going to be bored. I love school. Mike is not enjoying his homework. He helps the kids with their math. I laugh that he is still doing homework.


Susan, Susie, Suz said...

Conner's bus story reminds me of the first day that Monica strutted her stuff. All of her Young Women leaders were witness to it. She simply got a stylish haircut (ooh la la) right after she turned 16.

She seriously became a different person that day! I have yet to have a conversation with Conner, so I'm looking forward to hanging with this stud next summer!!

Raquel said...

You have my adrenaline just a running with excitement. My girls start up tomorrow, 1st day!

Getting Older

Getting Older
Happy Birthday to Me!

Little Miss Katie

Little Miss Katie
Happy Birthday Katie! 5 yrs. old

Hailey and Maycie excited for the night


zip line beauties @ reunion

conner waterfighting

conner waterfighting
Rambo Conner waterfighting

strawberry childrens parade

strawberry childrens parade
partricipating in childrens parade so we can get our free rodeo ticket and Taco Amigo coupon. Its all worth the up hill, hot walk parade.

All the girls going for a ride around Pleasant Grove Park

All the girls going for a ride around Pleasant Grove Park
Hailey could barely fit her long legs in the car. Fun times to remember about your sisters


Hailey the beauty queen softball player

Here it comes

Got it