Albrechts 2009

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Merry Christmas to all!

I love this time of year. The chill in the air the twinkling lights on the homes and the tree shinning through the windows. Their is a jingle in my step as I go down the isle of the stores singing along to the Christmas songs being played of the sound system. I enjoy looking in peoples carts to see what they are buying. I also dreed taking my little ones with me as they spy all the fun toys and gifts and say "Please can I get this" I reply "No, I am not buying anything today. Santa will have to bring it to you, so hug it tight and make a wish to Santa so that he will know this is something on your list."
We have had a few funny things happen so far this year pertaining to Christmas. We draw names with in my little family. Mike has Hailey and I think this is the 3rd year in a row that he has had her name. I truely has happened by chance. Then Sadie has Katie. We were in the store and Katie was checking out the Little Pet Shops, her favorite toys. Anyhow, Katie turns to Sadie with a handfull of animals saying "Sadie this is what you are giving me for my present" Sadie replys "yes. I will get you this. I got you a good gift you will be surprised" and tosses them in the cart. Then we found out we have a dog in our house a "Snoop Dog". She sometimes goes by the name of Maycie. Well Maycie is 11 years old and apprently does not like surprises anymore. Mike caught her snooping in his trunk. She told me someone had knocked and left a box on the front door for her (UPS) from Amazon. She also was caught searching my closet and had found some items. We came home a little earlier than expected and then she found a suspecious box in the workout room. Good Heck Santa better get to it and be alot more creative in hide and not so easy in the seek part. I gave Maycie the 3rd degree all the while she is bawling. I told her to quit her bawling that I had found her snooping and not smoking so stop her snooping and stop her crying. I came home with a early perfect gift for her. Wrapped it up and had her open it. A t-shirt reading "I am on the naughty list" I told her for her punishment she will wear this once a week until Christmas has arrived. She stared at me and saying "NO, I will if they have a shirt saying I am on the Nice list" Uh this wont work so I guess the shirt goes back. The rotten bugger. So far Christmas is off with a bang! Merry Christmas to you all.


Lisa Allsop said...

Funny! Laura hides her gifts at my house in one of the upstairs bedroom's closets and I help her wrap them when it comes time. It's like Santa's workshop up there! That's the bonus of having a sister live so close to you!

Lisa Allsop said...

My mom used to hide our presents tucked away in her closet too, but then those were found. So then she hid them in our camping trailer that was parked outside our house, but then one time I had to go out there and unlock it to get something out of it and BEHOLD! I had found the treasure! I let Jordan know of my find and we both went out there again together when my parents weren't home.

Raquel said...

Becky, this is exactly why we had to move far away... My kids would NEVER do this. Naughty Naughty.

Jaime G. Fryer said...

I love your Christmas update! I would have made that girl wear the naughty shirt or no shirt at all to school! Too funny!

Susan, Susie, Suz said...

Too bad all of you organized people haven't figured out the best secret. Wait until the last 2 days before Christmas to buy everything. By golly, it rarely fails. All the good stuff is sold out, but it makes for even better surprises when the kids get nothing they asked for!

Sarah F said...

HAha your kids are so funny. The life of being a mom can be so crazy and so funny!

Getting Older

Getting Older
Happy Birthday to Me!

Little Miss Katie

Little Miss Katie
Happy Birthday Katie! 5 yrs. old

Hailey and Maycie excited for the night


zip line beauties @ reunion

conner waterfighting

conner waterfighting
Rambo Conner waterfighting

strawberry childrens parade

strawberry childrens parade
partricipating in childrens parade so we can get our free rodeo ticket and Taco Amigo coupon. Its all worth the up hill, hot walk parade.

All the girls going for a ride around Pleasant Grove Park

All the girls going for a ride around Pleasant Grove Park
Hailey could barely fit her long legs in the car. Fun times to remember about your sisters


Hailey the beauty queen softball player

Here it comes

Got it